ISA Conversions

The ISA API includes a set of functions to allow you to convert between ISA formats, as well as between ISA formats. These converters can be found in the isatools.convert package.

Converting from ISA-Tab to ISA JSON

To convert from a directory ./tabdir/ containing valid ISA-Tab files (e.g. i_investigation.txt, s_...txt and a_...txt files):

from isatools.convert import isatab2json
# we run the conversion from ISA-Tab to JSON (by default, the converter will perform validation. IMPORTANT: the converter does not serialise. The writing to file (serialization) needs to be explicitly invoked (see next step).
isa_json = isatab2json.convert('./tabdir/', use_new_parser=True)

# we now write to file:
 with open(output_file_path, 'w') as out_fp:
     json.dump(isa_json, out_fp, indent=4)
 except IOError as e:
     print("something went wrong:", e)


The conversions by default run the ISA validator to check for correctness of the input content. To skip the validation step, set the validate_first parameter to False by doing something like converter.convert('./my/path/', validate_first=False).

from isatools.convert import isatab2json
isa_json = isatab2json.convert('./tabdir/',use_new_parser=True, validate_first=False)

 # we now write to file:...(see first block of code)


The conversions by default use a legacy ISA-Tab parser, which has now been replaced with a faster version. To specify using the old parser, set the use_new_parser parameter to False by doing something like isatab2json.convert('./my/path/', use_new_parser=False) or drop the argument entirely. The older version is invoked by default.

from isatools.convert import isatab2json
# we run the conversion from ISA-Tab to JSON (by default, the converter will perform validation. IMPORTANT: the converter does not serialise. The writing to file (serialization) needs to be explicitly invoked (see next step).
isa_json = isatab2json.convert('./tabdir/')

# we now write to file: ...(see first block of code)

Converting from ISA JSON to ISA-Tab

To convert from a ISA JSON file isa.json directory to write out ISA-Tab files to a target directory ./outdir/:

from isatools.convert import json2isatab
with open('isa.json')) as file_pointer:
    json2isatab.convert(file_pointer, './outdir/')

To turn off pre-conversion validation, use validate_first=False. By default it is set to validate_first=True.

The ISA API can also convert to and from other formats for import/export to relevant databases and services. For more on those conversions, please read the sections on Importing data in ISA formats </importdata> and Exporting data in ISA formats </exportdata>.